Influence on Pinterest (How to Work With Brands on Pinterest in 2022)

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Ever wondered how to work with brands on Pinterest? In this blog post, I’m talking about influence on Pinterest and how you can work with brands on Pinterest in 2022. When I say brand collaboration I’m sure you immediately think immediately of Instagram. But what if I told you (and brands!) that collaborations can be much more profitable and long-term on Pinterest than on Instagram! Why?? Well, let’s get into that.

Pinterest wants influencers in 2022. They want you to come over from Instagram, Tiktok, and your blog to spread your ‘pinfluence’ on Pinterest. They’re well aware that other platforms dominate when it comes to Collaboration, but this year they want to change all of that.

If you want to learn how to grow your Influence on Pinterest in 2022, read this guide next!

Using your ‘Pinfluence’ to Work with Brands on Pinterest in 2022

First things first, making money. If you want to be a successful blogger or creative, you need to make money! So you can keep doing it. So, the first thing we need to cover is making money on Pinterest. Creating content is only going to get you so far if you’re not making money from it! Here’s how Pinterest is helping YOU make money in 2022.

How to make money on Pinterest in 2022

Idea Pins are now shoppable

And this doesn’t just mean for those of us with products! You can tag brands and affiliate links in Idea Pins. This means you can take your brand collaborations to the next level by actually tagging your partners’ products in your content where your followers can shop directly.

From Pinterest: “People come to Pinterest to shop, and that propensity increases with Idea Pins — in fact, we found that Pinners are 89% more likely to exhibit shopping intent on products tagged in Idea Pins than on standalone Product Pins.

Take note: This means that you should be proposing Idea Pins as part of your collaboration strategies.

Building brand partnerships

Pinterest is bringing in a new ‘tag’ for paid partnerships. We already have something like this on Instagram, but now it’s going to be easier than ever to let your audience know that you’re working with a brand.

This is essentially going to cover all of your bases and make your brand collaborations on Pinterest more ‘legit’.

“Pinterest is the place where creators with inspiring and actionable ideas get discovered. With this latest update, we’re empowering Creators to reach millions of shoppers on the platform and monetize their work. Creators deserve to be rewarded for the inspiration they deliver to their followers, and the sales they drive for brands. Creators are central to our mission to bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love, and we’ll continue working with them to build their businesses and find success on Pinterest.”

  • Aya Kanai, Pinterest Head of Content & Creator Partnerships

Alright, now that you know how you can make money on Pinterest, how can you encourage brands to work with you and PAY you to create for Pinterest as you do on other platforms?

Educate brands on the power of Pinterest

OK that’s all well and good, but most brands don’t even know they should be working with influencers on Pinterest! So how can you work with brands on Pinterest, if they don’t know it’s possible?

When you’re reaching out to a brand to ‘pitch’ Pinterest, make sure that you are politely educating them on the importance of Pinterest as a platform. A lot of brands I’ve spoken with had no idea that they should be using Pinterest to attract their audience and grow. And most brands had never thought of doing a collaboration on Pinterest.

First of all, remember that Pinterest is a platform with over 450 million monthly active users and over 12 million unique worldwide.

Here are some key stats that you can use when you’re pitching a brand on Pinterest:

  • Nearly 80% of U.S. Millennial women are on Pinterest and 40% of Millennial men
  • 87% of Pinners have made purchases because of Pinterest
  • 93% of Pinterest users actively use the platform for their future purchases
  • 97% of all Pinterest searches are unbranded, so even if you are starting from scratch, Pinterest is the platform to start advertising on.

Focus on long-term partnerships

When you’re working with brands, long-term partnerships are always better than short ones. When you work with a brand repeatedly, your audience gets more exposed to them, and has a chance to build up more trust with you! So when you work with brands on Pinterest, this should be the focus.

Pinterest cares more about SEO and the quality of content than anything else. And pinners care more about getting their questions answered and finding inspiration than they do about scrolling endlessly or seeing what their friends have been up to. Pinterest is a place for inspiration v.s. envy of what other people are up to. It’s a place where users go to be inspired.

Pitch that to brands you want to work with on Pinterest. Pitch the fact that partnerships should be focused on SEO, inspiration, and longevity. Pins don’t go away, in fact, they grow the longer they’re left on the platform. For this reason, you should be charging more and working with brands that are interested in long-term partnerships.

An Instagram post lives for maybe 24 hours – a Pinterest post can live forever and be revived at any time.

It’s important to include all of that in your email to the brand!

Always incorporate your own branding

Pinterest is big on brand loyalty. We work on getting people to recognize and trust us on the platform. The best way to do that is with your branding. When you’re creating content for a brand on Pinterest, make sure it aligns with your own branding and ethos. It’s the same on Instagram, you wouldn’t post a photo that didn’t go with your ‘grid’ so make sure that you’re considering the styles and designs on Pinterest as well.

When possible, even with brand content, use your own colors, logo, and branding. It’s you talking about the brand, product, or place, not them talking through you. It’s important that when you’re working with a brand on Pinterest, the content still screams YOU.

Include a Blog Post

When you’re pitching a brand to work on Pinterest, include a blog post! This is one of those times when having a blog can really pay off. You can include a blog post review of the brand in question – and that’s going to perform even better on Pinterest. Remind brands that when you share a blog post on Pinterest, that pin can gain traction at any time. Viral pins can happen a year down the line – which means a collaboration with you NEVER stops paying off!

Up the budget by asking the brand to include a blog post – that you’ll then promote on Pinterest to your followers, group boards, and communities. Blog content helps with SEO and user trust. Especially if you’re sharing something more expensive for your audience – showing them in long-form content how that brand or product works in your life, will give them more time to fall in love with it as well.

Including a blog post in your collaboration will make your collaborations on Pinterest more profitable for the brands (and you!).

Have you ever worked with a brand on Pinterest? My first was about 3 years ago with Trusted House Sitters. They wanted to collaborate with me on Instagram, and I 3x the budget by including a blog and 5 pins to go live about the post over the course of 3 months. I still share those posts with my audience on Pinterest, which means that 3 years later Trusted House Sitters will still get traffic and users from our collaboration!


What questions do you have about working with brands on Pinterest in 2022?

Has this post inspired you to start pitching your Pinterest audience to brands as well? I’ve put together 2 pitch templates to help you get started working with brands on Pinterest.

The first email is for pitching, the second is for ‘upselling’ Pinterest and the third is to help you educate brands on Pinterest. Grab the Collab on Pinterest templates HERE.

If you need help growing your own Pinterest audience and building authority in your niche on Pinterest, check out my 5-Day Pinterest Powerup! In just 5 days your account will be up and running, your audience defined and your strategy ready to take off!


I pour my heart into every post! Pour some love back, and support my blog by buying me a cup of coffee.
