What to Post on Pinterest in November 2021 & December Upcoming Trends

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In this post, we’re talking about what to post on Pinterest in November. November is another incredibly important time to be posting on Pinterest. Here’s a breakdown of what that looks like in trending searches.

Let’s face it, it’s past time to focus on what we’re posting on Pinterest for November and really for the end of the year. I spoke about this in my blog post on What to Post on Pinterest in October, but this is seriously one of the most important times of the year for your posting schedule. It’s a time for massive sales, but even if you’re not running a holiday or sales promotion, you still need to be nurturing your audience so that you can start the new year strong.

So what can you post on Pinterest in November to grow, nurture, and sell to your audience before one year ends and another year begins?

Let’s talk about the November Pinterest trends that you should be focusing on. It’s important to note that we’re talking about Pinterest trends and Pinterest searches. If you’re new around here, then I can’t stress how important it is to remember that Pinterest is a search engine above anything else. And so this post is mainly covering what users are searching for in the month of November. Essentially it’s things like ‘Thanksgiving’.

November Pinterest Trends: The Top Keyword Searches


Of course, at the top of the trending list is Thanksgiving. Now is the time to put a ‘Thanksgiving Spin’ on any content that works with your niche.

For trending Thanksgiving terms on Pinterest think:

  • Thanksgiving dinner
  • Side Dishes, Dessert, Specialty diets around thanksgiving
  • Thanksgiving decor /Tablescapes
  • Crafts for kids (especially kid-friendly Thanksgiving crafts)
  • Thanksgiving Games for kids OR adults

Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Another HUGE one right now. Because obviously as soon as thanksgiving ends, Black Friday begins. And for bloggers, businesses, and marketers, Black Friday and even Cyber Monday are starting as early as the Wednesday before (though some even start on Monday before!)

If you’re a blogger without products of your own, then this is your time to shine as an affiliate for your favorite products and goods. Make sure that you’re helping your audience find the best deals and resources for the best sales.

Other good things to keep in mind are:

  • Shopping on a budget
  • Gift Guides
  • Round-up posts

Gift Ideas

This can circle into what I said above with gift guides and roundup posts – but make sure you’re targeting people with niche and specific lists.

  • Gifts for Her (mom, sister, wife/GF, daughter, etc)
  • Gifts for Him (for dad, for BF, Husband, son, etc)
  • DIY gifts are also a big hit! (Some people are struggling financially and need ideas for how to make gifts from home (or maybe they are just way more creative than me and like to create gifts).)
  • Gifts for Travel Lovers (beauty lovers, bloggers, work from home warriors, you get the picture!!)

If you’re an affiliate for any products that you love, this is definitely the time to start promoting those items to your audience. Just remember that your audience is way more likely to shop what you recommend if you’re staying authentic and if you really love and use the products yourself!


My favorite of course 🥳

Thanksgiving is one of the highest volume traffic days in the US. That being said, this is not the time to stop posting travel content. If anything, more people are going to be searching for travel tips now, than they were over the summer when travel was still pretty complicated and uncertain. Make sure you’re posting those travel guides!

For travel-related content to post in November be thinking:

  • Car travel tips
  • Travel games
  • Air travel tips
  • Snacks to pack
  • Travel hacks
  • Activities for kids on the road/car games for kids
  • What to do if you’re stuck in an airport
  • Family travel
  • And of course, Traveling in the US

Comfort Foods

Once again, another thing that ties heavily into Thanksgiving for Americans this time of year. But it also ties into what we’ve been talking about with fall comfort foods. We’re looking for tasty, warming, fall favorites on Pinterest right now.

If you’re a food blogger, give us:

  • Anything made in an Instant pot (the same goes for slow cookers)
  • Fast and easy recipes (that don’t sacrifice on flavor!!)
  • Appetizers are taking off
  • Preparations for Christmas parties (to follow up any and all Thanksgiving content)

Winter prep

If you’re a lifestyle or fashion blogger, it’s a great time to focus on the ‘transition to winter’. This can mean changing your wardrobe to winter, helping your kids prep for winter, things along those lines.

If you’re looking for content ideas that aren’t related to Thanksgiving right now:

  • How to prep the house for winter
  • Winterize cars
  • Kids activities for the winter season do very well right now
  • Winter outfits/Winter style trends
  • Winter makeup
More specifically for Fashion Bloggers on Pinterest right now:

Apart from the obvious keywords like “fall outfits”, “winter outfits”, “black jeans outfits” and “teddy coats”, new, up-and-coming trends such as padded headbands and (faux) leather leggings are making waves in the Pinterest search too.

  • Knee-high boot outfits
  • Dark florals
  • One-shoulder tops
  • Shoulder pad outfits/ puff shoulder outfits
  • Sequins and Party Outfits
  • ‘Home for the Holidays’ is a big trend we’re seeing in fashion this year!

If you’re a fashion blogger, consider creating new boards for each keyword that you’re interested in pinning about – this way, your pins will make their way up in the search faster!

What’s Coming for December?

  • Christmas — Decor, treats, gifts, recipes, trees. Anything Christmas
  • Hanukkah — Hanukkah is on the rise as well. Think Jewish recipes, decor, games for children, traditions. Mara of Kosher on a Budget does a great job with creating round-ups for Jewish holidays.
  • Kwanzaa — I don’t know much about this holiday so I won’t show my ignorance in sharing the types of content you should create. But it’s a good idea to search Pinterest for content ideas!
  • New Year’s Eve parties — Popular content includes cocktails, dresses, crafts for kids, hair, nails, desserts, and celebratory items.

Another great way to get your finger on what’s trending on Pinterest during a specific time point is to explore keywords using the Pinterest Trends Tool (that’s how we’re able to put together these great round-up posts for you!)

What you can do to prepare for the end of the Year on Pinterest

Remember last year when your Thanksgiving dinner round-up when went crazy on Pinterest and gained you so many blog readers? Head back to that post and update it for 2021. You can make small changes to the recipes, maybe create a ‘check list’ for people to take to the store (a great way to grow your email list!!).

You can also go in and link that post to other posts that you’ve written since, that your readers will find helpful.

Finally, add any affiliate links that can help the reader make the recipe. You can also add cute serving dishes or other home decor items that are fitting.

Rinse and repeat. Do this for all other posts that did well the previous year.

Read Next: Email Marketing v.s. Pinterest (Using BOTH to skyrocket your biz)

Don’t forget to take action on both your old blog posts and Pinterest boards. If you have great Thanksgiving posts ready to go, make sure that your Pinterest boards are ready to receive them. Do a refresh of the keywords, title, and pins on your boards to make sure they are relevant to your audience and blog posts.

That also means getting rid of any competing content! You want your amazing pins and blogs to stand out.

Want more specific help for your niche? Book a Pinterest Account LITE Audit. I’ll help you come up with a list of content ideas that will impress and grow your audience before the year ends.

Has this post given you food for thought? What posts will you be dusting off out of the archives to showcase in November?

And if you’re ready to start growing on Pinterest in 2022, why not start with my 5-Day Pinterest Powerup? This fun, five-day course will take you through exactly how to get your first fans and readers from Pinterest. The 5-Day Pinterest Powerup sets you up for success on Pinterest. Learn more here.

I pour my heart into every post! Pour some love back, and support my blog by buying me a cup of coffee.
